What is Anchor Text Box in Canva?

In Canva, you have the option to anchor your text within a text box. By default, the anchor point for a text box is set to the top, which means that any new text added to the box will appear below the existing text.

However, the top of the text box will remain fixed in its original position, and the box will expand downward to accommodate the additional text.

And with the anchor text box feature, you can change it to center or bottom anchored along with the default top anchored.

Let us demonstrate this feature with an example.

1. In the below Canva design, we have added a sample text to a text box and positioned it at the center of the design page.

what is anchor text box in canva

2. We have selected the center anchor available under the “Spacing” option in the top toolbar.

what is anchor text box in canva

3. As we have selected the center anchor, the new lines of text we add to the box will be split equally above and below the center line. This means that the height of the text box will expand both upward and downward to accommodate the additional text, with the center line remaining fixed in its original position.

what is anchor text box in canva

4. Now, let’s remove the additional lines of text and select the top anchor text box.

what is anchor text box in canva

5. As we have selected the top anchor, the new lines of text we add to the box will be added below the center line. This means that the height of the text box will expand only downwards to accommodate the additional text, with the top line remaining fixed in its original position.

what is anchor text box in canva

6. Now, let’s remove the additional lines of text and select the bottom anchor text box.

what is anchor text box in canva

7. Since we selected the bottom anchor, the new lines of text we add to the box will be added above the center line. This means that the height of the text box will expand only upwards to accommodate the additional text, with the bottom line remaining fixed in its original position.

what is anchor text box in canva

In conclusion, mastering the use of anchor text in Canva can significantly enhance your designs’ visual appeal and clarity.

You can create well-balanced layouts that effectively communicate your message to your audience using top, center, and bottom anchor text.

These features are easy to use and customizable, allowing you to create unique and eye-catching designs.

By experimenting with anchor text placement and style, you can take your Canva designs to the next level and stand out in a crowded online world.

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